Saturday 22 September 2012

Rehabilitation of The 'Specially Challenged' Ones.

I wrote this long back for an article. Hope you guys like it.

“I have an impure smile of joy on my face,But I know what my heart craves within.It craves for the real life you people live,It craves for those true moments you go through each day.I have an unreal life with no real goals other than to survive,Yet I have an impure smile of joy on my face”

‘Disabled’: A word that should be out-casted of the dictionary and should be replaced by ‘Specially Challenged’.

 We ‘Not so specially challenged people’ are given a million moments to live in and smile, But what about who are not like us.

 I find it really difficult to choose what to write and what not to on this very topic, for because if you be with these ‘God’s favourite children’ for sometime, you know their plight and their pains and so there are a million thoughts in process in your mind and yes, for sure, you find no words to frame it all up.
Rehabilitation of the specially challenged is a big challenge and  we , as citizens of a country like ‘India’ are ready to take that up.

What if you are isolated from the world for all your life? What if you can’t see or speak or listen? What if you can’t run around and chase butterflies in your garden? Seems horrible,  Doesn’t it? But, there are a few people who live a life like that each day without knowing the reason of their very existence and yet craving to find one.

Rehabilitation: The word itself suggests giving a new habitat. A new habitat does not mean just a new house full of facilities or good food or a big bunglow with beautiful maids and smart stewards. A habitat is not that but it is presence of a real life, an environment which helps you grow over time, not just physically but mentally, psychologically and socially. In short helps you grow in each aspect of life.

Rehabilitation of the disabled is taken up as one of the most difficult tasks and It’s just because of the fact that they need much more care and affection in their lives. Their lives are not for-granted like ours are. They are special.
I have been with these ‘Specially challenged children’ for a while and I know their pains and plights. Eating when you have no hands, walking without your legs or trying to express when you can’t speak, Its one of the impossible things and they have to do. If they can’t, atleast they have to try to do to survive.

It is said that you do the best deed when you make someone smile. It is indeed and yes I know what it feels to do such a deed. It feels like you’ve won the world, You’ve won everything you could ever dream of and that one victory is a victory which will be make you smile all your life.
“Walking past the memory lane I know what I’ve lost and I know what I’ve found,

It’s all those smiles that I have won and those tears all gone.”
I conclude by requesting each one of you to have one such victory in your life, one such moment when you really smile and others smile with you. I request you to be a part of the ‘specially challenged’ people’s life and make their dreams come true.

God has made each one of us special in a different way and so, rather than seeing what is missing we should look out for that one ‘special gift’ from god to them.

For we know that god is great and he watches us all......

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